Friday, October 26, 2007

The Replacements

One of the things I have been learning in my readings is about replacements (and not the group from the early 90's either). Just about everybody knows about replacing regular milk with soy (if you are going vegan) but I was stumped with what to do for eggs. I'm not vegan but I do need to watch my cholesterol and fat I did find a few good replacements for eggs.

1 small banana: This is a good sub for eggs especially in cakes or even in pancakes
2 Tbs of cornstarch can sub for one egg to help bind ingredients
1/4 cup of smooth blended tofu (also blend with liquid ingredients) can be used as well

There are also faux egg concoctions available if you are opposed to eating eggs but the whole point of this is to eat well and cheaply without investing in all those substitutes. Anytime you see eggs listed in any of my recipes you can try one of the subs listed above.

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