Monday, November 26, 2007

Why Vegetarian?

One of the girls I work with asked me why I eat a lot of vegetarian food. It was a very good question so I thought I would share my reasons.
1)I am dating a vegetarian so if I am cooking I might as well cook things we both can eat. Besides, he was a junk food vegetarian. Before I moved in there were no fresh fruits or veggies in the house.
2)Economics. Eating vegetarian is actually cheaper than eating an animal based diet. As long as you avoid the gimmicky pre-made faux burgers or fake chicken eating a plant based diet can definitely stretch the dollars.
3)Environmental. I gave up eating beef awhile ago because cows are a leading factor of global warming. Granted I still drink milk but at least I am doing a small part.
4)Health. Vegetarian men have lower rates of prostate cancer. Nuff said!

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